Basic Drywall Tools | The Essential Tools for Drywall Repairs

This is my basic tool kit for working with drywall and joint compound. Professionals and more complex jobs would of course, need different and specialized tools, these tools I have found will cover most tasks in home drywall repair.

A special note when working with drywall mud, always use two knives to work the mud, one is for applying the drywall mud and the other is to clean up the knife you are laying the mud with.

You can find all of these tools on Amazon

3″ Putty Knife:

6″ Joint Knife:

12″ Taping Knife:

Razor Blades & Utility Knife:

Jab Saw:

Drywall Screen Sander:

Block Sander:

Sanding Sponge for Inside Corners:

Dust Mask: